Music Library Collection of Faculty Events

ID : DR 2015 66
Title : The muse's garden: Dame Emma Kirkby lute song recital
Date : Sunday, October 18, 2015
[unknown title]

[unknown title]


Time Stands Still / John Dowland

Come, heavy sleep / John Dowland

[unknown title]

[unknown title]

[unknown title]

Mad Bess / Henry Purcell

By beauteous softness / Henry Purcell

O fair Cedaria / Henry Purcell


So beauty on the waters stood / Alfonso Ferrabosco


Constant Penelope / William Byrd


The English Nightingale / William Byrd


If mighty wealth / John Blow


Diffugere nives / John Wilson


La Parca / Cataldo Amodei

Toccata / Giovanni Kapsberger


Cupid once when weary grown / Pelham Humfrey

Cupid, the slyest rogue alive / Henry Purcel

The death of Didio Henry Purcell