Discourses in Music: Volume 2 Number 1 (Fall 2000)

Student News

Editorial Note: We wish to offer national coverage. Please send your own news to:

Benita Wolters Freudland (University of Toronto) will be giving a paper on behalf of the Canadian University Music Society at Toronto Intersections 2000, entitled "The Canadian Leauge of Composers: Grappling with Inclusiveness."

Recently at the Eleventh Annual Pacific Northwest Graduate Music Students Conference, David Ogborn (University of Toronto) delivered a paper entitled "A Critical Interpretation of Electronic Dance Music."

The CRME Bulletin has accepted a paper by Margaret Walker (University of Toronto) for publication. Watch for "Music and Metaphor: Towards an Embodied Theory of Music Cognition and Hermeneutics" in upcoming editions.

Pacific Northwest Music Graduate Students' Conference
October 7, 2000

Hosted by the School of Music, University of Washington (Seattle, WA) Music Building, Rm. 114


8:30-9:00 AM Registration (Fishbowl)
9:00-10:45 AM Session 1: The Classical Period

"The Worshipping Ich', or How C. F. Gellert and C. P. E. Bach Stirred the Heartstrings of 18th-Century Audiences"
David Williamson, University of Washington

"Wind Orchestration in Early Haydn Symphonies"
Beth Antonopulos, University ofWashington

"Dittersdorf, Haydn, and La contadina fedele"
Lynda Smyth, University of Victoria

10:45-11:00 AM Break

11:00 AM-12:30 PM Session 2: Popular Music Studies

"Repetition, Pop Music, and Stevie Wonder"
Tim Hughes, University of Washington

"Genre and Meaning in 'La jalouse' by Jane Siberry"
Francine Fledderus, University of British Columbia

"A Critical Interpretation of Electronic Dance Music"
David Ogborn, University of Toronto

12:30-1:45 PM Lunch

1:45-3:30 PM Session 3: The Romantic Period

"Shattering the Schumann Myth"
Lindsay Moore, University of Victoria

"Wagner, Mallarme, and Music in Poetry"
Geoffrey Wilson, University of British Columbia

"Aspects of Chinese Culture in Gustav Mahler's Das Lied von der Erde"
Steven Cannon, University of Victoria

3:30-3:45 PM Break

3:45-5:30 PM Session 4: Twentieth-Century Music

"A Sound that Comes from Nowhere: Adorno and the Case of Schreker"
Sherry Lee, University of British Columbia

"Discontinuous Continuities: Musical and Dramatic Form in Elisabeth Lutyens's Opera The Numbered"
Laurel Parsons, University of British Columbia

"Recession from Avant-Garde?: Aleatory inthe Two Versions of Improvisation III sur Mallarme by Pierre Boulez"
Hideaki Onishi, University of Washington