Discourses in Music: Volume 5 Number 1 (Spring 2004)


Once again, Discourses in Music offers diverse views on music and musicology. Two articles in this issue - Sarah Carleton's discussion of the rose as a symbol in Medieval motet texts, and Leslie Kinton's spirited advocacy of Schenkerian analysis - seem, at first glance to have little in common. Yet fundamentally, they both address the question of meaning in music: Kinton argues in support of "the music itself," whereas Carleton takes a multi-layered approach, embracing music, text and the socio-cultural environment from which these elements spring.

The review, by Kate Galloway, of The Cultural Study of Music: A Critical Introduction also touches upon the subject of meaning in music. Published in 2003, this book is a collection of essays "that deal with the connectedness of music and culture on a general, multi-disciplinary level." As well, under the rubric of "Insights and Outlooks," Sandy Thorburn's "Getting Serious with Series Television Musicals" offers an examination of meaning and context in popular American television programming since the 1950s. Finally, there is a response, by Christina Baade, to Dana Astmann's "Freylekhe Felker: Queer Subculture in the Klezmer Revival," appearing in the previous issue of Discourses (Vol. 4 No. 3).

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Best wishes,

-Colin Eatock, Guest Editor